This video took longer time to make then I expected. The module was actually finished before the module 2 was uploaded. For about a week ago, there were only some seconds left in the video to make. But this week I just did not have time to finish it. But now it is, and I have uploaded the video. This module is copied (with some changes) from other YouTube videos ;)
Pictures of this creation is on the page "pictures" at the top of this page.
This is my second Lego GBC Module. I was finished building it about 2 weeks ago, but I did not have time to make the video before now. I have completely made this module myself. There are so many modules that I want to copy from someone else, so I have to make at least one completely myself ;)
The588936's channel:
The Big One - Lego GBC (Module 1):
 I made this video if the original video would get 50 likes, but it would be too long to wait for the 50 likes. Then I said I would make this video if it got 25 likes. Now it has reached it, and I have uploaded the video ;) I have seen many other candy machines on YouTube, and in every video someone is asking about getting instructions, or to show how it works. When I then made this video, I decided to get some likes to make the video popular :P